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Aimeos - THE Laravel ecommerce platform

[Aimeos]( is THE ultra-fast, cloud-native and API-first e-commerce platform! You can install it within 5 minutes and can adapt, extend, overwrite and customize anything to your needs. [![Aimeos Laravel demo](]( ## Features Aimeos is a full-featured e-commerce package: * JSON REST API based on * GraphQL API for administration * Perfect fit for AWS, Google, Azure and Kubernetes based clouds * Multi vendor, multi channel and multi warehouse * From one to 1,000,000,000+ items * Extremly fast down to 20ms * For multi-tentant e-commerce SaaS solutions with unlimited vendors * Bundles, vouchers, virtual, configurable, custom and event products * Subscriptions with recurring payments * 100+ payment gateways * Full RTL support (frontend and backend) * Block/tier pricing out of the box * Extension for customer/group based prices * Discount and voucher support * Flexible basket rule system * Full-featured admin backend * Beautiful admin dashboard * Configurable product data sets * Completly modular structure * Extremely configurable and extensible * Extension for market places with millions of vendors * Fully SEO optimized including rich snippets * Translated to 30+ languages * AI-based text translation * Optimized for smart phones and tablets * Secure and reviewed implementation * High quality source code ... and [more Aimeos features]( Supported languages:


Check out the demos: * [Aimeos frontend demo]( * [Aimeos admin demo]( ## Headless distribution To build a single page application (SPA) respectively a progressive web application (PWA), the Aimeos headless distribution is the right choice with API-only and JWT authentication pre-configured: :star: [Aimeos headless distribution]( ## Integrate into existing applications You already have an existing Laravel application and want to add a shop to your web site? Install the Aimeos composer package for Laravel and add e-commerce to your existing application in minutes: :star: [Aimeos Laravel package]( ## Standalone application - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Installation](#installation) - [Frontend](#frontend) - [Backend](#backend) - [Customize](#customize) - [Multi-vendor](#multi-vendor) - [License](#license) - [Links](#links) ## Requirements The Aimeos shop distribution requires: - Linux/Unix, WAMP/XAMP or MacOS environment - PHP >= 8.0.11 - MySQL >= 5.7.8, MariaDB >= 10.2.2, PostgreSQL 9.6+, SQL Server 2019+ - Web server (Apache, Nginx or integrated PHP web server for testing) If required PHP extensions are missing, `composer` will tell you about the missing dependencies. If you want to upgrade between major versions, please have a look into the [upgrade guide](! ## Installation To install the Aimeos shop application, you need [composer 2.2+]( On the CLI, execute this command for a complete installation including a working setup: ``` wget -O composer php composer create-project aimeos/aimeos myshop ``` You will be asked for the parameters of your database and mail server as well as an e-mail and password used for creating the administration account. In a local environment, you can use the integrated PHP web server to test your new Aimeos installation. Simply execute the following command to start the web server: ``` cd myshop php artisan serve ``` **Note:** In an hosting environment, the document root of your virtual host must point to the **/.../myshop/public/** directory and you have to change the `APP_URL` setting in your `.env` file to your domain without port, e.g.: ``` APP_URL= ``` ## Frontend After the installation, you can test the Aimeos shop frontend by calling the URL of your VHost in your browser. If you use the integrated PHP web server, you should browse this URL: []( [![Aimeos frontend](]( ## Backend The Aimeos administration interface will be available at `/admin` in your VHost. When using the integrated PHP web server, call this URL: []( [![Aimeos admin backend](]( ## Customize Laravel and the Aimeos e-commerce package are extremely flexible and highly customizable. A lot of documentation for the [Laravel framework]( and the [Aimeos e-commerce framework]( exists. If you have questions about Aimeos, don't hesitate to ask in our [Aimeos forum]( For more details about Aimeos Laravel integration, please have a look at its [repository]( ## Multi-language For shops which offers multiple languages, just add this line to your `./myshop/.env` file: ``` SHOP_MULTILOCALE=true ``` Then, the language will be added to the routes automatically. You can set up the available languages in the ["Locale > Locale" panel]( of the Aimeos admin backend. ## Multi-vendor To enable multi-vendor features, add this settings to the `./myshop/.env` file: ``` SHOP_MULTISHOP=true ``` If you want to allow vendors to register themselves as sellers, set this option in the `./myshop/.env` file too: ``` SHOP_REGISTRATION=true ``` By default, newly registered sellers have administrator privileges in the backend for their own site. For a more limited access to the backend, you can change the permission level to "editor" in the `./myshop/.env` file: ``` SHOP_PERMISSION=editor ``` You can change the permissions associated to "admin" or "editor" by adding your own version of the [JQAdm resource configuration]( to the "admin" section of your `./config/shop.php` file. ## License The Aimeos shop system is licensed under the terms of the MIT and LGPLv3 license and is available for free. ## Links * [Web site]( * [Documentation]( * [Forum]( * [Issue tracker]( * [Composer packages]( * [Source code](